Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis

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The Cuba Missile Crisis took place in 1962 during the cold war. Basically during that time the Soviet Union was going to use nuclear weapons just so that Cuba wouldn't get invaded by that United States. The Soviet's didn't have missiles as powerful as the United States did back then. So
Nikita Khrushchev had an idea of put missiles in Cuba. The reason why the Soviet Union relied on Cuba was because Cuba was scared that the US would invade Cuba again since they failed before. So Cuba approved that the Soviet's would build a secret Missile installation in Cuba. The US found out that they where building the secret place and then ordered a naval quarantine around Cuba. After all of that both countries sat down and negotiated even though there was a lot of tension between both countries. Finally the Soviets took there installations out of Cuba and return back to the Soviet Union.

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