Saturday, April 28, 2007

African Independence

The African Independence changed a lot. In 1957 the Goold Coast became a indepent conutry and after that it was name Ghana. Ghana was the first African country to have it's Independence. Nkrumah was the first prime minister of Ghana and then later became president of that country for life. Nkrumah had a lot of plans for Ghana he builded new road and school and had health plans too. .Even though Nkrumah had good intensions for the country it was hard for the economy to stay stable because all the plans he had for the country required a lot of money and Ghana did not have that much money in that time. Another country that couldn't get it's indepence that easily was Kenya. Kenya had to leader that where from Europe. In 1973 Kenya got it's Independce from the British. Kenyatta became president of Kenya but he died in 1978 and Daniel arap Moi became president after that he faced a lot of hard time while he was president of that country. Africa has change so much through out the year because a lot of countries got there indepence from the European countries and a lot of other countries had been formed too. If you compare both maps you see clearly that in the new Africa there are more countries then before.

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