Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Schindler's List

The movie showed the holocaust because we saw scenes of how the Nazi treated the Jews. It showed us how they where kicked out of there own homes and how they got rid of there bodies when they had killed them. The most powerful scene to me was when they where burning the bodies and the Nazi solider was screaming and then Ocsar Schindler was they seeing how they bodies where pilled up and then he see's the little girl with the red jacket dead. I think that was cruel of putting the Jews in the ghetto and in the camps because they suffered a lot. They all where skinny and they didn't even know what was going to happen to them. The image that will stay with me is when the little girl in the red jacket is running around and when Oscar Schindler looks at her like if she meant something to him and then he's wife or girlfriend starts crying. That scene will stay with me because supposely Oscar Schindler was part of the Nazi party but in the way he acted it's like he never agree to any of that.

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