Thursday, March 22, 2007

Night and Fog

My reaction to the film is that it was scary how the Nazi's got rid of the bodies. I don't even know how they where able to kill a Jewish person and then burn the bodies and live there lifes like nothing. The film is really powerful because we see scenes of the dead bodies and then we see how the Germans use there hair to make rugs. We also saw how there living conditions where in the Ghetto and in the concentration camps. They barely ate food and they where starving to dead and they where so skinny that you could see there bones. In the film the "Night and Fog" you see real scenes and you also see concentrations camps and how they are now. In the documentary they actually show you the real things while in Schinlder list they are reacted. The documentary shows more what the Holocaust was about because he uses real scenes from back then. We even see Hitler in 2 or 3 scenes of the movie. Some of the scenes of the documentary where painful to see because there are things in life you don't expect to see but in that documentary we see them.

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